Your Weekly Far Left Deep Dive

Joe here from Tactical Wisdom. The folks at Forward Observer put out consistently high quality intelligence that alerts readers of important events before they happen.

They just launched Far Left Playbook, a weekly report that details how the Far Left is organizing for the 2024 election season.

It's a weekly "must-read" if you want an advantage heading into the chaos of 2024.
Yes, I want unrivaled access to the Far Left's plans for 2024.
Subscribe to Far Left Playbook for 12 months right now and get a free extension through Inauguration Day on January 20th, 2025 to cover post-election fallout. That's four extra free months of staying ahead of the curve.
WARNING: Recent strategy meetings show exactly how Far Left groups are organizing ahead of the 2024 election season. Read on below.
The Far Left plan to "defend democracy" in 2024.
On Saturday, 19 August 2023, leaders from left wing radical and revolutionary groups met to discuss a strategy for the 2024 election season.

In short, they discussed more social agitation.

More political disruption.

More violence.

While I can't share every detail with you (due to ongoing access), I can share that their next big event is planned for October 2023.

These groups aim to garner national attention through a large disruptive protest -- sort of a national clarion call to rekindle the spirit of the 2020 riots. (Write this down so you remember this warning when it happens.)

I'll share with you what we know, but first let me tell you how we know this...
From Grassroots to Guerrillas
The first failed popular revolution
My name is Mike Shelby. 

I'm a former intelligence NCO and spent part of every year from 2006 to 2011 deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. In all, I spent 40 months deployed as a soldier and intelligence contractor.

In short, I got a lot of practice tracking insurgents and mapping their networks.

So in 2016, when I saw innocent Trump supporters being beaten in the streets, I started tracking and mapping the networks of this country's ongoing domestic conflict.

I'll never forget seeing a lone Trump-supporting woman being accosted by a group of thugs as they pelted her with eggs. 

She tried to seek refuge behind the doors of a hotel but the staff wouldn't let her in. 

Not even the police officer behind the door would open it.

And then conditions across the country just got progressively worse well into 2020.

From 2016 to 2021, I led a small team that tracked dozens of Far Left radical and revolutionary groups.

For over six years, we kept subscribers informed about upcoming disruption and direct action demonstrations. Subscribers got inside access to the Far Left through over a thousand intelligence reports warning our subscribers what was coming next.

And then one day in 2021, there was no more direct action to track.

It was like someone just flipped a switch.

Unfortunately, we're seeing some early signs that the switch is going to be flipped back "ON" in 2024.

So I'm getting some old teammates back together to publish Far Left Playbook, a new weekly intel brief dedicated to uncovering the next chapter of the Far Left in this country's ongoing low intensity conflict.

These groups haven't disappeared and they're unfortunately planning similar disruption and violence for 2024.
Unfortunately, we're seeing some early signs that the switch is going to be flipped back "ON" in 2024.

Do you want the inside edge on what happens next?
Yes, I want to receive Far Left Playbook briefings!
Subscribe for twelve months right now and get a free extension through Inauguration Day (January 20, 2025).
So back to this August meeting...

For about two hours, the senior cadre fleshed out their strategy.

They discussed why they were planning the next major event for October 2023 -- to coincide with the new term of the Supreme Court.

They discussed their strategy to recruit, organize, and mobilize protesters.

They discussed logistics of how to get people and material to Washington D.C.

They discussed the need for partner organizations to fund and promote the protest.

They discussed key personnel that will attend, such as a well known Leftist member of Congress from Minnesota.

And they discussed how they were going to deal with Donald Trump, his supporters, and the 2024 election.

We'll be following up on this event in upcoming Far Left Playbook reports.

I want to tell you about another strategy session we attended -- this one far worse.
Ground Zero:  The Nexus of Far Left Campaigns and National Stability
One central element of Far Left revolution is the Marxist-Leninist concept of self-criticism.

This is an opportunity for left wing revolutionaries to take stock of failures, shortcomings, and what's not going right. 

According to Lenin, and later Stalin and Mao, it's the only way to correct shortcomings of a movement in perpetual revolution.

Our team gained access to another strategy session, this time documenting some failures from 2020 and trying to "right the ship" ahead of 2024.

"Fight, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again... until their victory; that is the logic of the people... This is another Marxist law. The Russian people's revolution followed this law, and so has the Chinese people's revolution." - Chairman Mao Tse Tung, August 1949

This strategy session focused on creating conditions for social revolution, led by mass mobilization that creates a "revolutionary rupture" in the U.S. capitalist society.

Leaders cited the failures of 2020, wherein small, violent outbursts produced short-term gains in revolutionary fervor... but no lasting revolution.

One part of this new strategy is creating more popular self-defense groups like the Zapatistas of revolutionary Mexico or the radicalized military units who defended the Paris Commune in the French Revolution of 1871.

One group leader openly admitted that this meant carrying out acts of violence to propel a "revolutionary rupture" -- this time one that succeeds in overthrowing the State.

This group right now is focused on standing up new "self-defense" units across the country, which we'll highlight in an upcoming Far Left Playbook briefing.

Don't Wait Until It's On the News: Far Left Playbook keeps you apprised of what comes next.
Subscribers stayed informed on protests, riots, and political violence throughout 2020 and 2021, and regularly received early warning of upcoming events.

Far Left Playbook today informs you of what's ahead for the radical and revolutionary Left, so you won't be surprised when 2020 happens again.

Drive your preparedness and security planning with detailed reports from Far Left Playbook.
Real World Impact: Here's what subscribers were saying during the 2020 riots.


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"I use Forward Observer as an additional source to plan travel itineraries for myself and customers... I have been impressed with their ability to forecast future incidents. The Low Intensity analysis is excellent considering the violence that is occurring with both left and right factions."

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The Far Left is planning similar disruption and violence for 2024.

Do you want the inside edge on what happens next?
Yes, I want to read the tremors before the earthquake.
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P.S. - if you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was... Subscribe to Far Left Playbook for 12 months right now and get a free extension through Inauguration Day, 20 January 2025. 
That's four extra free months of staying ahead of the curve.
Forward Observer Copyright 2023